Surgical laser systems

Surgical laser systems


Code : Diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser Limax

Details :
  • With its innovative diode-pumped Nd:YAG technology, the Limax® 120 combines the beam quality and the performance densities of a solid body laser with the effectiveness level of a diode laser.

Surgical laser systems

Limax 120 and Limax 60

Ideal wavelength

Thanks to its specific wavelength of 1,320 nm and the ideal coefficient of absorption in water and hemoglobin associated with it, the Limax® offers you an optimal combination of resection, coagulation and tissue sealing capabilities. This automatically gives surgeons the best possible control of the two greatest problems in pulmonary parenchymal surgery: hemostasis and air loss prevention.

Parenchyma-saving surgery with high cost-efficiency

Due to its ideal wavelength, the Limax® allows precise resection of lung metastases. This allows conserving healthy tissue as far as possible. As a result, this enables surgery with the Limax® which has so far been regarded as being inoperable. Even in the case of recurrences nothing speaks against subsequent procedures. In addition to these clinical advantages, the Limax® offers convincing savings of consumables, for example, staple suture devices.

Maximum beam quality

Whereas the beam diameter of direct-diode systems increases with increasing power and beam precision decreases strongly as a result, the Limax® system enables you to work at a constant beam quality across the entire output power range, up to 120 W.

This allows fast working with maximum performance densities and the use of extremely small fiber diameters.


Product Informations :

  • With its innovative diode-pumped Nd YAG technology, the Limax® 120 combines the beam quality and the performance densities of a solid body laser with the effectiveness level of a diode laser.

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B.N.M Medical, as a pioneer in Iran medical device field has been active for more than 40 years. We are one of the oldest and largest importer and supplier of medical equipment, implants, laboratory equipment and pharmaceutical in Iran and proud of our cooperation with very well-known and respected companies from all around the world.

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